Minnaar Sedation
Sedation service medical specialists Mobile Sedation Service Sedation Service Dentistry Procedural Sedation and analgesia

Procedural Sedation and Analgesia Belfast

Sedation Service

Minnaar Sedation is a group of experienced doctors providing a mobile sedation service, also known as procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA), at Dental Practices or Consultation Rooms in Belfast. All our doctors are trained by the experts in this field. With years of experience and mentoring our doctors are specialized in this area of work.

Selective procedures that don't necessarily have to be done in the operating room can now be done under procedural sedation in the dentist's or doctor's consulting room in Belfast.

The two primary goals of appropriate PSA is to provide relief of anxiety and discomfort while patients undergo painful procedures and to facilitate procedures in uncooperative / difficult adults and children for procedures that though may not be particularly painful or require no movement.

Procedural Sedation and Analgesia is ideal for people who gets very anxious during medical procedures and someone with a low pain threshold who needs to undergo a medical procedure. It is ideal for children extractions or long procedures and adults who might require multiple extractions, wisdom teeth removal, teeth implants or long procedures.

PSA is a great alternative for procedures that doesn't always qualify for General Anaesthesia in Belfast.

PSA can also be done for Gastroscopies, Colonoscopies, Laser Therapy at the Dermatologist, Colposcopies and Hysteroscopies at Gynaecologist etc.

Feel free to contact us for more information or visit our information page.